Who I am

As a competitive swimmer since age 6, I learned the importance of nutrition early on. I was diagnosed with a gluten-intolerance and hypothyroidism at age 12. Throughout middle and high school, I chose to ignore the importance of nutrition and what I was putting in my body. Fueling myself with gluten-containing, Standard American Diet foods.

My during college I began to eat and drink gluten-free (especially gluten-free alcohol). Junior year of college, I started taking swimming and my health a bit more seriously, opting for salads instead of entire racks of ribs. Even this small lifestyle change coupled with my training allowed for me to lose 50 pounds, become a 5-time record holder (50-free, 100-free, 200-free, 100-back, 400-medley relay), and a 2-time All American (50-free and 100-free).

I then moved to Southern California for my Doctor of Chiropractic program, where I still was eating and drinking gluten-free, enjoying the new culture and life of SoCal.

During profound spiritual and personal growth, I decided to no longer participate in mind altering substances October 12th, 2023. The date of my sobriety, the last day I drank or used recreational substances.

Year 4 of my program (June 2024) I was introduced to whole-food plant-based living and completely overhauled my life. Since then I have consumed every book, article, and scientific journal that has come across my path on a plant-based lifestyle. Taking these changes to heart, my partner has survived a Diffuse Axonal Injury and continues to astound his physicians each day. I have continued to support him and myself and we attribute his success to our lifestyle.

Since adopting a whole-foods plant-based lifestyle, I have come off my hypothyroidism medication that I have taken for 10+ years, lost weight, perform better, train for triathlons, and participate in CrossFit.

I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I am ready to support you too. Together we can make a change and set you on the course of the life of your dreams.